Stretch marks: Three natural solutions

Adolescence, pregnancy, menopause … women are subject to significant changes at certain stages of their lives, which can promote the appearance of stretch marks. These are formed by tears in the dermis and just at the edge of the hypodermis, creating streaks visible on the surface, mainly on the thighs, buttocks and belly. When they are installed, it is difficult to make them go definitively. With these grandmother tricks, it is possible to make them less visible or even prevent their appearance.

The aloe vera

Aloe vera gel has moisturizing, regenerating and healing properties. It is therefore very useful to treat and prevent the appearance of stretch marks! Do not wait any longer to concoct this anti-stretch mark cream. For this, mix in a bowl 2 tbsp. Aloe vera gel (98% pure) with 2 tsp. Coffee with jojoba oil. Apply this care every day during the periods conducive to the appearance of stretch marks on clean skin by performing circular massages.

Vegetable oils

Rich in vitamins and fatty acids, vegetable oils are very beneficial for the skin because they facilitate the attenuation of stretch marks and have an action of tensor of the epidermis, when applied in massage twice a day, morning and evening. Ideally, it is advisable to choose a pure and organic vegetable oil, in order to eliminate all risks of contamination caused by pesticides or other toxic products. Among all the oils available, you can try avocado oil, Muscat rose oil, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil or olive oil, whose properties are regenerating and healing.

Carry out a self-massage

Massages are very beneficial for the skin; they allow to treat the recent stretch marks or can help to prevent their appearance. It is enough to carry out gentle and regular movements (they must not be painful) on areas that could be prone to the appearance of stretch marks. You can use a moisturizing oil or a cream to carry out these beneficial massages.

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