Hair growth: The inversion method 1 inch per week

We are all struggling to get those long shining hair. Some us are using the traditional method of oil masks and other natural homemade preparation. Others, opted for pills like the blue little blue sugar bear hair. Well, in this article, I will show you a new method that seeks to promote hair growth. Still, you should use it for one week and wait 3 weeks to do it again. This method has made its proofs ! In fact, it is said that it make your hair grow about 1 inch per week.

This method is very simple, choose the oil you prefer (one from the long list of natural hair growth oils) like castor or cocnut oil, then warm it up slightly. Next, gently massage the scalp of your head with this oil for about 5 minutes. When you are done with this root massaging, slowly tip you hair upside down, let it hang loosely (you should maintain a steady angle of inversion). This method can be done when sitting or standing up. Maintain your position for 4 minutes, then let the oil sit for 2 hours or leave it overnight for a better result. finally, wash off your hair using your normal shampoo. This operation should be repeated for 7 consecutive days, then stop for 3 weeks, and re-do it again.

Additional tips: If you are a big fan of essential oils, you can add few drops to the oil you chose (pepermint or lavender are the best ones for hair growth).


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