Homemade anti-dandruff hair masks

Dandruff can be a real  struggle !

Some of you may be concerned about this problem. And to to help you eradicate dandruff from your scalp, here are three recipes for homemade hair masks against dandruff.

Yoghurt + baking soda + tea tree oil

Baking soda will cleanse the skull and remove dead cells, while yogurt will deeply nourish your scalp.

Take a plain yogurt and mix it with a teaspoon of baking soda. Add to this 3 drops of tea tree essential oil, known for its purifying properties and anti-dandruff action. Then apply the preparation to wet hair, massage your scalp and leave the mask on for 30 minutes. Rinse and use your usual shampoo.

Cider vinegar + vegetable oils

Cider vinegar has recognized antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Combined with vegetable oils that nourish the scalp and soothe itching, it will help you fight dandruff effectively.

Mix 2 tablespoons of castor oil, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 3 teaspoons of cider vinegar. Add a beaten egg yolk (rich in nutrients) and stir the mixture until it is thick.

Apply the mask to damp hair and massage your skull to penetrate. Cover your hair with a plastic film or a bathing charlotte and cover it with a warm, damp towel to ensure that the mask penetrates properly. Leave on for 30 minutes and rinse before shampooing.

White clay

You can also choose a white clay mask if your hair is dry. It will rid your scalp of dandruff residue and promote hydration.

In a bowl of warm water, pour 4 teaspoons of clay powder to obtain a paste. Add a few drops of lemon juice that has acidifying properties and will help to remove dead skin particles. Apply the preparation to your hair and wrap it in a towel. Shampoo after a 30-minute break.

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