6 Easy Tips for Longer Eyelashes

Beautiful and long eyelashes are the best asset for enhanced eyes. The lashes have the main role of protecting the eye from external aggressions. They participate in the expression of facial emotions and they are useful in seduction. In this article, we will list some simple tips that every woman should know in order to have longer eyelashes.

Remove eyelashe makeup

Cleaning the eyelashes prevent them from falling. When they are not well cleaned, they can be damaged easily. Also, you should never sleep with your make-up on. Mascara, for instance, can cause real damages to your lashes during sleep.

You should always clean remove any makeup beofre you go to sleep and make sure that there your lashes are well cleaned. To do so, use a cleansing milk or simply opt for olive oil or any other oil.

Have a “make-up break”

Make sure you let your eyes rest from time to time. Too much makeup can weaken the lashes. Also remember to change mascara about every 6 months to avoid possible bacterial infections of the eye.

Treat your lashes naturally

The oils to use are: olive oil, castor oil, or coconut oil. They are the perfect oils to deeply nourish the eyelashes.

Wash your hands thoroughly or with a clean brush, apply one of the oils on your eyelashes just before going to bed. Let stand overnight then clean up with a disposable tissue or wash your face. By regularly doing this oil-based treatment, you will find after a few weeks that your lashes have taken length and thickness.

Use petroleum jelly 

Did you know that petroleum jelly has the role of soothing and moisturizing dry lashes? Multipurpose petroleum jelly makes eyelashes more beautiful. Using a cotton stalk, apply on the eyelashes and then brush gently at bedtime.

Comb your eyelashes

Comb your eyelashes twice a day for about 5 minutes to stimulate their growth and to promote blood circulation at this level.

Apply egg masks

Eggs are well known for strengthening hair and preventing hair loss. To do an egg-based mask, you will need a tablespoon of glycerin that you can replace with Vaseline (petroleum jelly). Mix well and apply on the eyelashes 3 times a week.

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